Ruby on Rails testing with RSpec. Installing RSpec. Rails RSpec Tutorial.

RSpec Tutorial

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    Thanks so much for this. There are so many Rails tutorials for absolute beginners, and lots of stuff that assumes expert knowledge, but not much, besides practice, to span the gap. Rick Quantz, HackerNews, 13 May 2011

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    I will be starting a new job here in SF, due in no small part to what I've learned here from the RailsApp Project. Joseph May, 23 Dec 2013

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    I would like to say thank you for such a precise guide. It helped me understand how things work a great deal quicker than all of the bits and pieces I was reading around the web. Justin Booth

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    @danielkehoe is somewhat of a hero with the stuff he puts on @github Warwick Poole, Twitter, 2 July 2011

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    Crazy Deep! Peter Cooper, Ruby Weekly, 19 May 2011

RailsApps Quickstart Guide

Rails Testing with RSpec

What's Here:

  • how to install RSpec
  • example tests
  • concepts and terminology
Table of Contents
  • Installation
  • Run RSpec
  • Concepts
  • Feature Tests
  • Unit Tests
  • Model Tests
  • Other Tests
  • Testing Email
  • Sample Data
  • FactoryGirl
  • Resources for RSpec
  • Words of Encouragement
Is It for You?

RSpec is the most popular test framework for Rails. This guide shows how to set up RSpec and explains how to write simple tests. It provides an introduction to basic concepts and recommended practices. RSpec is complex and there are very few guides for beginners, so you will find this guide helpful if you want to get started with RSpec.

From the RailsApps Project

Our tutorials are acclaimed as comprehensive and deep, and easy to follow for beginners. Whether you are new to testing, or looking to fill gaps in your knowledge, our RSpec tutorial is a great place to get started.

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