Rails Applications on GitHub

by Daniel Kehoe

Last updated 27 May 2014

The RailsApps project offers open source Rails applications on GitHub. Use any of the Rails example applications for learning Rails, or as a starter app when you begin a new Rails project.

Each example is known to work and serves as your personal “reference implementation.” Hundreds of developers use the apps, report problems as they arise, and propose solutions as GitHub issues. The code is open source and available for free on GitHub. The RailsApps project is supported by subscribers. I’ve written tutorials for many of the example applications. I make the tutorials available to subscribers as a thank you for supporting the open source project. If you like the example applications, I hope you’ll accept my invitation to join the RailsApps project. Join for the tutorials, and stay to support the community.

If You Are New to Rails

If you’re new to Rails, see What is Ruby on Rails?, the book Learn Ruby on Rails, and recommendations for a Rails tutorial.

Rails Applications on GitHub

Here are the newest applications from the RailsApps project. A new application (often with a tutorial) is added approximately once a month.

Example Applications for Rails 4.2 Tutorial Comments
Learn Rails Learn Ruby on Rails introduction to Rails for beginners
Rails and Bootstrap Rails Bootstrap Tutorial starter app for Rails and Bootstrap
Rails and Foundation Rails Foundation Tutorial starter app for Rails and Zurb Foundation
Mailing List with Active Job Mailing List with Active Job Tutorial background processing
OmniAuth and Rails OmniAuth Tutorial OmniAuth for authentication
Devise and Rails Devise Tutorial Devise for authentication
Role-Based Authorization Role-Based Authorization Tutorial Simple authorization
Pundit and Rails Rails Pundit Tutorial Pundit for authorization
Sign Up and Download Sign Up and Download Tutorial Devise with authorization to download a PDF file
Stripe Checkout Stripe Checkout Tutorial selling a product with Stripe Checkout

Suggestions for new applications are welcome. Anyone may contribute an application to the project (we develop tests, a tutorial, and add it to Rails Composer).

Rails Composer

Use the Rails Composer tool to generate any of the example applications. You get a choice of:

  • web servers: WEBrick, Thin, Unicorn, Puma, Phusion Passenger
  • databases: SQLite, PostgreSQL, MySQL
  • template engines: ERB, Haml, Slim
  • test framework: RSpec with Capybara, with Guard as an option
  • front-end frameworks: Bootstrap, Foundation
  • and more

Rails Composer is a better way to build a Rails starter app. You get a complete, ready-made application, saving time and effort when you start a project.

RailsApps Tools

RailsApps provides gems that are useful in setting up new Rails applications:

Gem Purpose
RailsLayout gem set up application layouts for Bootstrap or Foundation front-end frameworks
RailsApps Testing gem set up the RSpec testing framework with companion gems
RailsApps Pages Gem add pages to a Rails application, including controllers, views, routing, and tests

These are utility gems to use during development and are used by the Rails Composer tool.


Is this helpful? Your encouragement fuels the project. Please tweet or add a comment. Couldn't get something to work? For the example apps and tutorials, it's best to open an issue on GitHub so we can help you.

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