
by Daniel Kehoe

Last updated 23 April 2013

Top resources for Ruby and Rails. New to Rails? See What is Ruby on Rails?, the book Learn Ruby on Rails, and recommendations for a Rails tutorial.

Learning Rails? See recommendations for a Rails tutorial to suit your skill level and learning style.

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References Authors
Rails Guides introduction and general reference community-authored
Rails Documentation official API docs community-authored
Rails Searchable API Doc alternative interface for the API docs community-authored
apidock.com/rails Rails API docs with usage notes community-authored
apidock.com/ruby Ruby API docs with usage notes community-authored
Rails Beginner Cheat Sheet useful reference Tobias Pfeiffer
Installing Rails Authors
Installing Rails detailed instructions and advice Daniel Kehoe
Installing Rails for Mac OS X, Ubuntu, or Windows RailsBridge Workshops
Learning Ruby Authors
RubyMonk free browser-based interactive tutorial C42 Engineering
Try Ruby free browser-based interactive tutorial Code School
Ruby Koans free browser-based interactive exercises Jim Weirich and Joe O’Brien
Ruby Kickstart Six free videos Josh Cheek
Learning Rails Authors
Rails Tutorials recommendations to suit your skill level and learning style RailsApps
Agile Web Development with Rails ebook covers Rails 4.0 Sam Ruby, Dave Thomas, and David Heinemeier Hansson
Rails 4 In Action ebook covers Rails 4.0 Yehuda Katz and Ryan Bigg
Ruby on Rails Tutorial free ebook, covers Rails 3.2 Michael Hartl
Testing Authors
Everyday Rails Testing with RSpec including Capybara and Factory Girl Aaron Sumner
The RSpec Book covers RSpec and Cucumber David Chelimsky and others
The Cucumber Book Matt Wynne and Aslak Hellesøy
Cucumber Recipes Ian Dees, Matt Wynne, Aslak Hellesoy
The Secret Ninja Cucumber Scrolls free introduction to Cucumber David de Florinier and Gojko Adzic
Rails 3.2 Examples and Starter Apps Authors
Devise-RSpec-Cucumber example code with a tutorial Daniel Kehoe
Bootstrap-Devise-CanCan example code with a tutorial Daniel Kehoe
Prelaunch-Signup example code with a tutorial Daniel Kehoe
Devise-Mongoid example code with a tutorial Daniel Kehoe
OmniAuth-Mongoid example code with a tutorial Daniel Kehoe
Subdomains with Devise and Mongoid example code with a tutorial Daniel Kehoe
for more, see a list
Ruby Gems Authors
RubyGems.org the source for Ruby gems community-authored
The Ruby Toolbox top gems categorized and ranked by popularity Chris Olszowka
Gemnasium find out when gems are updated Tech-Angels
VersionEye find out when gems are updated VersionEye
Gemcanary notifications of gem security updates State Machinery
Rails Help Authors
Stack Overflow answers to programming questions community-authored
Rails Hotline free telephone hotline for Rails questions volunteers
Screencasts Authors
Railscasts free with a new topic every Monday Ryan Bates
PeepCode priced starting at $12/screencast Geoffrey Grosenbach
Podcasts Authors
The Ruby Show weekly podcast Peter Cooper and Jason Seifer
Ruby5 5 minutes of news 2-3x/week Envy Labs
Ruby Rogues technical roundtable various
Blogs (and lists of blogs) Authors
Riding Rails official news Rails maintainers
RubyFlow daily reading suggestions community-authored
A Fresh Cup semi-daily reading suggestions Mike Gunderloy
The Ruby Reflector blog aggregator community-authored
PlanetRubyOnRails blog aggregator community-authored
PlanetRubyOnRails List of Blogs list of notable blogs PlanetRubyOnRails
RubyCorner List of Blogs 700+ blogs RubyCorner
Newsletter Authors
Ruby Weekly email newsletter Peter Cooper
Twitter Lists Authors
Ruby & Rails sulia.com
Ruby/Rails Daniel Kehoe


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